Sunday, November 22, 2015

Thanksgiving Reflextions.

This Thanksgiving I look back over my years and remember so many Thanksgivings. When I was a little girl I remember the excitement of going to my grandmothers house where all our aunts, uncles and cousins gathered for a wonderful feast. I can see and smell Nanny’s turkey in her old fashion oven. Everyone brought a dish to complete the meal. My family was large and everyone talked at once but we all heard each other. It was so much fun.  In the later years, cousins married and had their own families, some moved away and some were no longer with us. We each started our own traditions. My children and I now went to My mom’s for Thanksgiving and it was a smaller group. My sister and brothers along with my parents but still it was fun and as I look back a warm feeling comes over me missing them all. My mom, dad and my sister are gone now but I have those precious memories.

I continued the tradition by having my children and grandchildren to my home and I had hope that they would have happy memories of Thanksgiving one day as I do.
I would gather them all together for Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter and a summer picnic. I even had Halloween party’s when we all dressed up, even me as a witch.
I have so many fond memories of those days that are not so long ago and yet still distant memories for me.  I have so much more going on inside this year but I don’t want to bore the reader so I will just keep them in my heart,

There came a time when I could not have Thanksgiving anymore and so my son and his wife took it over making even more memories that are in my heart. It seems it was not very long when my grandchildren grew up and my own children had their own traditions and I married again and moved away. Far away.  For a time I went back for to my sons for Thanksgiving but then the weather caused us to stop doing that because it was too stressful.

So this Thanksgiving is my first one without any of those I love and have been a part of my life all these 75 years.  However I am with my husband who I love and who loves me. I am so very thankful for him and my new life.  I am thankful for all my wonderful memories of Thanksgiving past. I will think of them and hope that they are making new and wonderful memories today so that when they are older they too will have wonderful memories to reflect on as I do.

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